
    Technical Glitch Affects Schedule for New Generic Top-Level Domains

    May 22, 2012, 04:14 PM

    As explained in prior posts, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is making available new generic top-level domains which include different types of words in different languages. In April, the TLD Application System (TAS) had to be taken offline because of a technical glitch which may have permitted some users to be able to review file names and user names of other users. After learning of this issue, ICANN provided notice to all users of TAS, even if they were not affected by the problem. ICANN is hoping to reopen TAS by May 22, 2012. Once it is reopened, users will have eight days to review their applications and complete any remaining activities, meaning ICAAN hopes to close the application window for new generic top-level domains by May 30, 2012. For additional information on these new generic top-level domains, click here. –Kristan B. Burch